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Tell New Jersey's Local Leaders: Use Your Power -- End Plastic Pollution Now

If we keep using single-use plastics at the current rate, by 2050 we will have more plastic than fish in our ocean, pound-for-pound. We owe our children and grandchildren more than an ocean full of plastic!

Our state should take bold action to ban single-use plastics and more. But strong legislation has stalled, and well-funded groups like the American Chemical Council and the New Jersey Food Council are fighting hard to block a good bill.

We can overcome these industry giants by going local. If enough municipalities adopt ordinances, we can show state legislators our towns are ready for strong action and give them the support they need to rally the votes to pass a strong bill. Sign the petition to support local action to address plastic pollution.

Dear Municipal Leader:

Plastic pollution is a major threat to our wildlife, natural ecosystems, and human health, and it's projected to get much worse if we continue to use single-use plastics at our current rate.

New Jersey towns and cities hold tremendous power to solve this crisis. I urge you to take action to address plastic pollution for residents in your municipality. Together, we can combat plastic trash town by town and show our state leaders that we're ready for bold, statewide action.

Organized by:

Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions
New Jersey League of Conservation Voters

Sponsored by:

Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed
New Jersey Environmental Lobby
New Jersey Highlands Coalition
Pinelands Preservation Alliance

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